Overdrive in the sound department. But hey, it is a document of a time and a place. Also, the whole reason Boys' Entrance is playing live again is because Mr. Ferro was listening to "Moses" on day in his car, and called me up. He said, "I was listening to Moses and it sounded so good. I wonder if you'd like to put the band back together?" That was a year ago in October. I got excited started the ball rolling, then fell off a ladder and broke both arms. The irony is that 13 years ago I broke my pelvis in a rollerblading injury, and that is what put an end to B.E. playing live for so many years. But all bone is knitted, and baring any more break ups- we forge ahead.- Tim Cain 9/6/10
Overdrive in the sound department. But hey, it is a document of a time and a place. Also, the whole reason Boys' Entrance is playing live again is because Mr. Ferro was listening to "Moses" on day in his car, and called me up. He said, "I was listening to Moses and it sounded so good. I wonder if you'd like to put the band back together?" That was a year ago in October. I got excited started the ball rolling, then fell off a ladder and broke both arms. The irony is that 13 years ago I broke my pelvis in a rollerblading injury, and that is what put an end to B.E. playing live for so many years. But all bone is knitted, and baring any more break ups- we forge ahead.- Tim Cain 9/6/10