I have a lot to share, so I will just get to it...
First of all, I am now the Co-organizer of an on-line group called Queer Music Fans http://www.meetup.com/Chicago-Queer-Music/?__force_urlname=1#initialized
It is a large group of lesbians, gays, and trans people who are all about music. Not only is it a great way to network, but it is a great way to commune with like-minded peps. I am really enjoying learning about other bands, musician, and fans of queer music.
This dovetails nicely into my newest project, ABSOLUTE Fringe- a monthly LGBT music festival.

The show began simply as a contact by the Elbo Room after I posted a press kit on Reverb Nation and sent out queries for shows. Brian Bender, the GM of The Elbo Room is a VERY COOL straight ally who has booked many LGBT acts at the club over time. He was interested in booking Boys' Entrance. I went to meet with Brian and check out the club- which is VERY COOL, and has two stages, a small upstairs stage for acoustic acts, and a larger stage downstairs for bands. I went to the meeting with an agenda. I wanted to know if The Elbo Room would like to do a gay night, one where I would program the whole night? Brian was into the idea. He would make the club available Sunday-Thursday, the night of my choice. I could charge whatever I wanted. He would start by handing over the club for 3 months.
I spoke with Scott Free, and Mitch Marlow. Both gave me invaluable advice. Scott told me he thought it would be a great event for the community. "There has never been anything like it- 6 queer acts in one night." Mitch counseled me on the business aspects of the deal. I worked it all out with Brian. He couldn't have been more supportive or helpful.
The response from the community has been amazing. LGBT musicians from as far away as Florida are signing up to perform! The local music community has been so supportive.
For me, this is an opportunity to give back. I am opening the first show on January 30th, 2011 with one of my most fundamental musical influences performing. Kristin Lems is the prototypical Feminist, singer/songwriter. I first met Kristin in 1974, I think. She used to perform in coffee houses and restaurants around Champaign/Urbana. I don't know how many times I heard her perform "Mammary Glands"! But there is great depth in her repertoire. "Awards include the "Woman of Illinois Repute" of the Illinois Women's Agenda, the President's Award of Illinois NOW, the Humanist Heroine Award of the American Humanist Association, the Freethought Heroine Award of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, and the Founder's Award of the Women in the Arts Foundation, for founding the National Women's Music Festival. Kristin is also a former Fulbright Scholar." She is the REAL DEAL, and I am so honored that she has agreed to be the first performer on an ABSOLUTE Fringe stage.
Also gracing the ABSOLUTE Fringe Acoustic Lounge stage is my friend Brett Alan Basil in an acoustic presentation of his PINK SHEEP music. Brett is a super talented singer/songwriter, who is also a member of Boys' Entrance. This is the first time Mr. Sheep has presented his Pink Sheep material on stage- and we are very lucky to have him.
Finally, Shoes For Mabel well bring there complex "jazz, angst, and folk," hybrid to the Acoustic Lounge stage. Carrie Lydon and company are fine musicians and I am certain their fans will enjoy hearing them in this setting.
Meanwhile downstairs on the Subterranean Electric Stage, we will proudly welcome Mr. Scott Free and the Scott Free Trio. Scott is the recent recipient of the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame Award- and having him on our stage as the first of many electric performers is in itself a treasure. Thank you Scott for getting us off to a good start.
The second group on the Subterranean Electric Stage are the inimitable, Joans. The Joans bring together New Wave, camp, and theatre in a heady, perfumed cloud. ABSOLUTE Fringe is all about the show, and the Joans bring it honey!
Last up is my own band, Boys' Entrance. This will be our first show incorporating both original rhythm guitarist for B.E.- Mike Ferro and Brett Alan Basil. We may even have more musicians in the act by then. Who knows. Every Boys' Entrance show is different.
I have the February show booked, and am only one act shy of completing the March line-up as well. I will be announcing those shows in the coming weeks. Join up with the Queer Music Fans group, support Queer Music, and come out for all the wonderful music at ABSOLUTE Fringe!

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