Monday, February 28, 2011

February ABSOLUTE Fringe

The February installment of ABSOLUTE Fringe was a fantastic evening of mostly female musicianship. The acoustic line-up was poetry, really. It started with the Scott Free Trio. Their set was a perfect counterpoint to their electric set they put on the month before. Scott and Jenny and Marvin show such versatility and sensitivity to Scott songs.

Next up was Tret Fure. Depth is the word that immediately comes to mind. Tret has been a professional singer/songwriter for 40 plus years. She is going to celebrate her 60th birthday soon! She brought a depth of emotion, intellect, and musicianship it is rare to encounter. She held the audience in the palm of her hand.

The Congress of Starlings are Andrea Bunch and Aerin Tadesco. I have seen them both separately, but together there is a melding of musical vision and a harmony that is breath taking. I only wish their set had featured some of Andrea's electronic offerings.

Downstairs the show opened with Ellen Rosner. She had some new backing players, so her sound had transitioned from what I had heard at the Cake Chicago show last year. Her voice was lovely as always.

Stewed Tomatoes were the second band up, and they blew me away. I guess I heard them with new ears. These women rule! They totally had me when they whipped out, "I wanna be your dog" by Iggy! It was tough and it was the sort of noisy rock I love.

Last up was Plain Ole Delicious, a fantastic RAWK band lead by the seminal, Amy Delicious. This grrrl is the thunderclap that wakes you up out of bed. She is the lightening bolt that gets you before you hear the boom. Got it! Get her any time you get the chance.

If there was a downside to the show it was simply that not enough people came to it. The Oscars really took a bite out of our audience and that was a shame. Still I was really proud of the show. The Next ABSOLUTE Fringe show is March 27th and will feature Lars Von Keitz, Danny+Greg, Shawn Thomas from Florida!, The Fundamentalists from Detroit, The Cathy Santonis, and my band, Boys' Entrance.

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