Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ABSOLUTE Fringe finale

I have to say, I had a wonderful time at ABSOLUTE Fringe again. I loved all the acts that played, and I was so comfortable at the club. The Elbo Room was so friendly and supportive. The acts all enjoy playing there. The sound was good, and the rooms feel intimate and coccoon-like. It is a kind of incubator for bands. It was also an incubator for ABSOLUTE Fringe. But the festival has run its course.

I spent a quarter of 2011 producing ABSOLUTE Fringe. Actually, it all started in November. The festival did not catch fire. I was hoping to get some sponsorship that would have enabled advertising. That didn't happen. I tried to incorporate bands that had followings. That didn't help. I tried to lock into the lesbian community. Not so much.

We were blessed to have Tret Fure from Wisconsin, Shawn Thomas from Florida, and The Fundamentalists from Detroit. These artists traveled the furthest- for little money. But their support and their generosity was even greater.

Mr. Scott Free was a huge contributor, both in planning and in performance. But I thanks each and ever performer: Amy Delicious, Elen Rosner, Stewed Tomatos, Kristin Lems, Congress of Starlings, Shoes for Mabel, and The Joans.

Mike Ferro and I are moving forward together and will be working on new material for Boys' Entrance. So stay tuned and see what comes of it.

I want to tell you that I have learned a lot. But the biggest lesson I learned is how supportive and helpful people can be. The artists who participated and the club built my faith in humanity back up. I thank each and every one of them.

Tim Cain, March 2011

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